Celebrate National CSA Week with us! National CSA Week us now through February 25th.
It's the busiest time of year to become a member.
Fresh, locally grown food just for you! It’s called a farmshare.
A farmshare connects you with a local farm and the delicious food they produce.
Sign up to support Skara Brae Homestead and get a share of our harvest - fresh produce, eggs, meat, and more! Eat like a homesteader!
Skara Brae is accepting members for two of our farmshares.
Produce Farmshare - a year-long commitment starting the first week of June.
Enjoy unlimited free choice access to the 50+ varieties of produce grown on our farm.
Monthly Poultry Crate - From June to November, enjoy ~20 pounds of pastured raised poultry and rabbit each month.
Options include chicken, rabbit, quail, turkey, duck, goose, & pheasant.
Join Today! Learn more at SkaraBraeHomestead.